WHY is it that every person who is somehow connected to me expects a break on pricing?

What is your formula for the "buddy" discount? Or do you just not have one?

Here is my formula:

CLOSE FAMILY - I might do your wedding for free as a gift... but don't expect a gift... and expect to see me enjoying myself at the Wedding. I may even have a drink or two.

VERY CLOSE FRIEND / NON-IMMEDIATE FAMILY - Expect a deep discount, but do not expect a freebie... and expect me to be enjoying myself as well.

FAIR WEATHER FRIEND / COWORKER - Expect me to not rip you off. I will give you a VERY fair quote.

FRIEND OF A FRIEND / ACQUAINTANCE - Just because you know my Brother-in-law does not give you special privileges. If I don't know you, don't expect me to hook you up!!!!

I'm tired of getting calls like "Hey this is Frank, John's buddy... we met that one time at his party..." I don't know you! Everybody thinks they're connected to me somehow, I'm beginning to feel like Kevin Bacon!