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Thread: Ideal Headphones for bedroom DJ

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  1. #23
    New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    I personally like to use studio earphones for home mixing. I get more out of the mix that way. DJ headphones come with some added benefit that allow it to pump sound louder, sending the signal at a good volume without hurting the earphones, and this is of course for live situations. But it sounds different than studio headphones, I can't quite explain it but it sounds flatter to me. I like mixing at home with studio headphones precisely because I can hear the changes and mixes with more detail than with DJ headphones. In a live setting that doesn't matter as much plus you can burn your studio earphones if you try and do a live gig. I use the DT 880 PRO from Beyerdynamic at home. I think they make outstanding studio earphones, you can see the full line at their website. Otherwise for live settings I like to use the Technics earphones that someone already posted about above.

    I have to add an extra layer of context though with this. I'm really talking about headphone mixing which is possible and I prefer this method at home. I can sometimes switch on the monitors but this is somewhat rare, and usually just for listening while I'm cleaning stuff or doing something else or if I want to replay stuff back. Most people live with others so blasting your stuff is usually not an option for many bedroom DJ's. Learning how to earphone mix is pretty essential for getting good at your craft I think and the best earphones in my humble opinion are studio earphones for that. Once you start blasting your stuff on monitors and start cuing and mixing that way, then switch the earphones over to your standard DJ headphones to handle the change in DB.
    Last edited by PauleBrosef; 04-09-2018 at 01:21 PM.

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