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Thread: Made New Synth

  1. #1

    Made New Synth

    Instead of creating a new thread I'll just post this here.

    EDIT (KLH): Thread moved to new post.
    So, I finally built a prototype of the synthesizer explained in chapter "Basics of synthesis : continued"

    Here's what it looks like :

    It sounds ok-ish for a square wave synth.

    I'm looking to add an on/off-switch, audio output and a low-pass filter as well adding knobs to it.
    Last edited by KLH; 06-17-2024 at 07:14 AM. Reason: KLH: Edit added. Link to content added

  2. #2
    Your move ⚒️ Alex Murphy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Interesting - at this rate in a couple of years you'll have a full home made Dj/prod setup
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex Murphy View Post
    Interesting - at this rate in a couple of years you'll have a full home made Dj/prod setup
    Yeah I already have three DJ mixers, a crossover, 4ch mixing console and now this monosynth.

    Here's a pic of what it looks like now, I added unbalanced 6, 3mm output jack and a start/stop-switch.

  4. #4
    Your move ⚒️ Alex Murphy's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    I see you also designed it to fit on some sort of rack...
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    Dead or alive, you're coming with me

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex Murphy View Post
    I see you also designed it to fit on some sort of rack...
    It's not eurorack compatible, it's just the way the Hammond 1591-series enclosure happens to be.

    It'd be nice to make it in eurorack-format too, maybe with ext clock and CV inputs/outputs (I'm afraid it's not doable though)

  6. #6
    Added knobs and tweaked the code a bit.

    It now has a range of approximately two octaves. Also, I switched the polarity of the tempo knob in the code.

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