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Thread: Introductions

  1. #1
    New Member 2vintage4u's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2024
    Sub Sonic Zone

    Lightbulb Introductions

    Hey to the members.

    The intro thread was closed but wanted to post my arrival and say glad to be apart of your forum.

    I'm a grandpa vinyl spinner from way back and the reason I joined is because I wanted to get

    some advice on buying my first controller..

    On the tables I have gotten really good.
    Get this.. Years ago I would use a cassette deck and was able to when I was recording albums, I would hit the pause button on the down beat and

    put another album on with the same BPM and at the right time or count, I would hit the pause off and make seamless mixed tapes..

    Ever heard of somebody doing that?? But still 100% into mixing music with my tables.

    Really getting into allot of the Remixes I'm hearing from artist all over..

    But I'll jump in and I'm sure being the "grandpa" I'll catch some shit.. But I can mix and do it very well..

  2. #2
    Your move ⚒️ Alex Murphy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Welcome aboard, there seemed to have been a duplicate issue - I have moved your intro thread in introductions, just let us know if you experience any problems posting in the future...
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  3. #3
    Truck Driver Dix's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Welcome..... Glad you made it.

    I'm an old hand too. Started in live radio in 1982. Went to clubs in 1987, then mobile in 2002.
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  4. #4
    New Member 2vintage4u's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2024
    Sub Sonic Zone
    Hey back.. I started a thread and if you read it, you will get the idea of me joining.. But so far very impressed with the forum and the talent I'm seeing.

    Looking forward to expanding my knowledge and digging into my next phase of mixing via controllers and software..

    Also read that Studio DJ app that just came out?? Man.. I get the feeling like when I found out that DJ,s switching to controllers was the new thing

    and my style was becoming obsolete.

    Are you thinking this is going to be competition with wedding and event DJ's?????
    “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”

  5. #5
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2024
    US, AZ
    Your story about mixing with cassette decks is incredible – it’s amazing how creative techniques from the past can still inspire us today. I'm also new here and looking forward to learning more about controllers and mixing techniques. I’ve been dabbling in DJing for a while, mainly using digital platforms, but I’m really interested in the tactile experience of using turntables and controllers.

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