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Thread: efinque - Arcade Reloaded EP

  1. #1

    efinque - Arcade Reloaded EP

    Sup DJF,

    I reworked parts of my debut album in a dawless environment, here's how it turned out.

    Soundcloud link

    Hope you enjoy it,


    PS. Here's the original album Soundcloud link

  2. #2
    Your move ⚒️ Alex Murphy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Some Blood Rave vibes going on. Can't give a thumbs up as the ''playlist is private''
    SoundCloud ________________________________ MixCloud________________ __________________YouTube
    Dead or alive, you're coming with me

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Manu View Post
    Some Blood Rave vibes going on. Can't give a thumbs up as the ''playlist is private''

    I put it on private as I'd like to keep it "exclusive" to DJs and producers/promoters for now.

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