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Thread: Sofware to make video and 3D visuals

  1. #1

    Sofware to make video and 3D visuals


    Tell me softwares that makes video effects and 3d visual (free or paid), not necessary synch to BPM,

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by lbarasc View Post

    Tell me softwares that makes video effects and 3d visual (free or paid), not necessary synch to BPM,

    Thank you
    to make or to play or what?

    resolume is a VJ software
    virtual DJ has some VJ loop functionalities which can be very practical for DJs, just load them into the sampler, or else the slide show, or else you can use tellymedia plugin.

    after effects, blender, cinema 4d, maya, can all be used to make motion graphics

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