Hello, I am no professional DJ, just a guy who enjoys powerful at home sound systems, and I have a question about my power draw requirements and any help or input is appreciated!
Below is my setup with relevant power draw specs and the power source (wall outlet) specs.
Power source:
- 20Amp/120VAC wall outlet on a single circuit
System Setup:
-2x (two total) Cerwin-Vega XLS-215 Floorstanding Loudspeaker (6 Ohms) (Passive)
-2x (two total) Cerwin Vega EL-36C Earthquake 18-Inch Folded Horn Subwoofer (8 Ohms) (Passive)
-1x (one total) Cerwin Vega EL-36DP Earthquake 18-Inch Folded Horn Subwoofer (8 Ohms) (Active)
Behringer Super-X Pro CX2310 V2 (Crossover)
-Behringer FBQ6200HD (EQ)
-QSC PLX2402 Power Amplifier (driving the two XLS-215 Loudspeakers) (stereo mode)
-QSC PLX-3602 Power Amplifier (driving the two EL-36C Earthquake Passive subs) (stereo mode)
-Built in amplifier for the active EL-36DP Earthquake Sub
Relevant power Specifications
-QSC PLX2402 Power Amplifier (8Amps?) https://www.qsc.com/resource-files/p...spec_specs.pdf
-QSC PLX-3602 Power Amplifier (11.5Amps?) https://www.qsc.com/resource-files/p...plx2_specs.pdf
-Power Consumption of the 3602 Full Power @8ohms: 25A/120V https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/produ...wer.html/specs
-Amplifier in the active subwoofer (Cannot find power requirement specs on this) https://cerwinvega.com/el-36dp.html
My questions about this setup
Is my power source capable of adequately supplying enough power to this setup?
If not: Does meeting the power requirements actually improve the SPL or Loudness of my system, or am I already getting the most out of my system?
-Do the QSC Amplifiers have a built in power detection system to; on the fly, limit their power consumption based on the power provided?
-Is my power source bottlenecking the systems overall performance?
-What is the difference between "required power" and "power consumption" and which one should I be using to calculate the total amount of power I need?
Side notes
-The overall loudness of the system (Max I've measured) is 109DB so it is very loud and sounds very clear and not distorted
-I have been able to push the amplifiers hard enough to clip both the PLX2402 and the PLX3602
-I have never tripped the breaker
-Lights on the same circuit never dim or flicker
To me it seems that I do not have the power necessary to drive this system to its fullest potential, but the fact that I've never tripped a breaker raises questions.
Any information/answers on any of these questions is very much appreciated! Thank You for reading!