Hey guys was wondering where do you guys get all your music from? Do you download/buy offline or do you use a certain dj pool?
Hey guys was wondering where do you guys get all your music from? Do you download/buy offline or do you use a certain dj pool?
Thread currently active in the general forum.
SoundCloud ________________________________ MixCloud________________ __________________YouTube
Dead or alive, you're coming with me
Post edited:
#11 - Piracy is not tolerated at DJF. Posts that request or suggest use of pirated content (i.e. music or software) will be removed and any users participating in the discussion will be at risk of disciplinary action.
Last edited by Alex Murphy; 11-30-2021 at 08:25 AM.
Serato - serato.com/playlists/3initial VIEW
HearThis - hearthis.at/3initial LISTEN
LiteRECORDS - literecords.com PROMOTE