I haven't done a D&B mixtape yet, and I love Liquid D&B. Don't know the genre very well, but my favourite artist is probably Technimatic. Desire Paths is a superb deamy album if you like liquid.
Any track suggestions for my mixtape? Ta!
I haven't done a D&B mixtape yet, and I love Liquid D&B. Don't know the genre very well, but my favourite artist is probably Technimatic. Desire Paths is a superb deamy album if you like liquid.
Any track suggestions for my mixtape? Ta!
Have a listen to Jilted Jane/Doppelganger, she has loads of liquid on her Mixcloud, you'll be able to find new tracks in there. https://www.mixcloud.com/jilted_jane/
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Dead or alive, you're coming with me
No worries... I forgot to say she's a member in here, and an absolute gold mine on not just liquid D&B, but also all things D&B.
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Dead or alive, you're coming with me
heres a few of my favourite artists
Roy Green & Protone
Young Ax
Pola & Bryson
Dan Guidance
Big Bud
Phat playaz