I need to temporarily install some small overhead lights in a venue that isn't made for shows... and by "venue" I mean "my patio."
The patio cover has a nice aluminum crossbeam. It isn't actually an I-beam though, it's more of back-to-back C shapes. I have seen a single "C" referred to as "channel beam," but I don't know what you call this.
Surely there must be some kind of clamp that will latch on to the bottom of this beam, and provide a means to affix a light bracket... but I cannot find it.
As second choice I am open to the idea of running speedrail under the beam so I could use MFL clamps. I'd need some kind of bracket to go around the posts OR beam and support the speedrail... Again I bet that part is out there somewhere, but I can't find it.
I'd appreciate any leads!