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Thread: Hearing cue and mic at the same time

  1. #1
    New Member
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    London, UK

    Hearing cue and mic at the same time

    Hi everyone

    I am coming up against a silly but annoying issue.

    When I'm live streaming, I talk a lot over the top and want to hear the microphone in my headphones.

    The problem is, that means I need the headphones to be outputting from the final mix, which means that I can't use it to cue the next track while I'm DJing.

    If I use the headphone output on my mixer, I then can't hear the microphone (I'm using the Mixon 4)

    The only way around it I've found is a convoluted patching setup with Audio Hijack, which doesn't work particularly well, but this must be a common issue for Livestreaming DJs - I would be really interested to know how others have got around it?

    Last edited by louisbean; 03-07-2021 at 12:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Member Daniel S's Avatar
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    Sweden Booyaka
    By looking at an image of the controller it sure seems like you should be able to listen to the master output and cue at the same time. That would be controlled by the cue mix knob. Set it to the center position and you should be all good. That's the same way most Pioneer mixers work. I've never had a problem doing it like that with those.

  3. #3
    Member Daniel S's Avatar
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    On a second look, there doesn't seem to be any microphone input on that one, so I'm guessing you send it to a mixer where you have both the controller and the mic plugged in. Is that correct?
    In that case, there would be a few ways to go about it, depending on what mixer you are using. You're a little short on details about your setup, so you need to provide us with a bit more information.

  4. #4
    New Member
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    London, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel S View Post
    On a second look, there doesn't seem to be any microphone input on that one, so I'm guessing you send it to a mixer where you have both the controller and the mic plugged in. Is that correct?
    In that case, there would be a few ways to go about it, depending on what mixer you are using. You're a little short on details about your setup, so you need to provide us with a bit more information.
    Hi there, thanks for the reply!

    There is a mic input but when I last tried it wasn’t patching through to the headphones - It says in the manual that it goes straight through to the master output, although I’m now doubting myself and will try again when I’m next with the kit.

    On the output side I have a behringer um2 Soundcard which I’m using to mix together the mic and DJ output and get it into the Mac. I can hear both from here but then I’m back to the issue in my original question which is that I can’t then cue up the next track.

    I will go back and double check the mic doesn’t come through the cue though - now you say it, it seems obvious that it should - is that the usual behaviour for a controller?

    Really appreciate it!

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