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Thread: Rip mf doom!

  1. #1
    Member Lazy O's Avatar
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    Bay Area, CA

    Rip mf doom!

    One of my hip hop idols. Was just showing my daughter some of his music the other day. She was into it too. 😞
    Big woof! Wanna fight about it?!

  2. #2
    Moderator pete's Avatar
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    old orléans
    didn't realise he was dead, and didn't realise it was a few months ago.

    never really felt his style, probably too deep for me, but I get why all rappers regard him as one of, if not, technically the best.
    so I was happy to do my little bit on the distribution of the king geedorah and madvillany album.

    anyways here's why

    Last edited by pete; 12-31-2020 at 05:58 PM.
    bored, curious, deaf or just bad taste in music?
    finally a mix by me
    and what's this, another shoddy mix...another dull mix

  3. #3
    This is sad as hell, when I was in high school I LOVED the 1st KMD album. As a solo artist he was definitely nothing like he was in KMD, dude was crazy talented. Space Ho's is one of my favorite songs and always makes me chuckle. And to this day I can listen to Peachfuzz and it still sounds as good as I remember it 30 years ago.

    What a tragedy

  4. #4
    New Member
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    Melbourne, Australia

    Last edited by PMG1980; 06-03-2021 at 02:39 AM.

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