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Thread: New to Production

  1. #1

    New to Production

    Hi Everyone,

    Would really love to get in to producing, not expecting to make it as a big time music producer but more as a hobby and to learn new skills.

    I'm mainly in to Hardstyle so that's where I would be focusing, I have FL Studio but no qualifications or studies in music theory or anything.

    I'm really looking for advice as to where to even start.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Technoez Rek_Aviles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Miami, FL
    tbh, music theory is not priority right off the bat but you should look for a beginner video to get a general idea. Spend most of your time now on learning FL and the effects. I would also suggest NOT getting into third party VST's just yet and use the build in instruments for now, at least until you get a used to everything and start to feel limited.

    Youtube is where you go to learn how to produce. Now-a-days it's the best place to get what you need to get started, all the way up to intermediate. Practice, trial and error will take you the rest of the way.

    Lastly, don't skip over tutorials for different DAWs. You may notice a ton of videos in the electronic genres will be on Ableton Live (from what i've seen). Most if the time it doesn't matter because you can still learn the different techniques and/or methods to get a certain sound or effect. If you took the time to get familiar with FL, you will know what to use and follow along.

  3. #3
    New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2022
    I also use FL Studio. You really don't need to learn any music theory to produce music with software. Especially electronic music. When I am writing songs I don't really think about strict keys or scales. I just do what sounds good, and of course it will have a main scale. But you don't really need to study them or know how to read traditional music notes. I would suggest learn how to create something by trying to copy a song, first with the beat and then instruments.

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