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Thread: What Ortofon Cartridge can replace Shure Whitelabel?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    What Ortofon Cartridge can replace Shure Whitelabel?

    I'm on my last set of Shure Whitelabel stylus and it looks there aren't any companies out there like Jico whose going to make replacement styluses.

    So my question is, what out there in the market now is close to the Whitelabels?

    What I get with my Whitelabels is nice sound and low record wear.

    What other stylus in the market now do this. It looks like all the new Ortofons are all high on record wear with very heavy recommended tracking weights. Whitelabels are recommended at 2grams tracking force, the lowest of the Ortofons are going at 3grams.

    I'm also open to other brands.

    Btw, I play reggae, real vinyl, and I don't scratch.

  2. #2
    take a look at the ones here>

    if u dont play club or dvs, i would say go with that MKII mix or the MKII club

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Will be following this thread. I’m also on my last pair of white labels and I’m curious on what needles I’ll be getting next. I briefly looked at ortofon digital. Not sure though.

  4. #4
    ^ depends on what ur usage style is. they have something for everyone, or u could just invest in phase

  5. #5
    Member Daniel S's Avatar
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    Higher tracking force doesn't necessarily mean more record wear. If you're not too keen on the Ortofons I recommend you check out the Audio Technica AT-XP series, for example the XP5. I don't own these myself but I do have the older ATP series and they sound way better than most other DJ cartridges.

  6. #6
    Moderator Mark_Spit's Avatar
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    I also use Whitelables and am in the same conundrum. It's a shame Jico isn't making replacements for them. At least for the moment I have 3 spares in their blister packs ready for when my current ones wear out.

    What I've thought of doing in the future is buying used M44-7 / G carts and then using Jico replacement styli.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel S View Post
    Higher tracking force doesn't necessarily mean more record wear. If you're not too keen on the Ortofons I recommend you check out the Audio Technica AT-XP series, for example the XP5. I don't own these myself but I do have the older ATP series and they sound way better than most other DJ cartridges.
    Those Audio Technica's are elliptical and eventhough they will sound better don't they typically have higher record wear than spherical?
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  7. #7
    Moderator Mark_Spit's Avatar
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    Also, here is Mojax's from DJ City review on the new Ortofon's

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    Rep owed: DTR, Pete, KLH, mitchiemasha,

  8. #8
    Member Daniel S's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark_Spit View Post
    Those Audio Technica's are elliptical and eventhough they will sound better don't they typically have higher record wear than spherical?
    Not really. Most Hifi carts are elliptical or finer and they usually wear less than DJ carts. Ellipticals don't handle scratching well though and they're often a little more delicate. Since the OP doesn't scratch and is after high quality sound I think they would work well.

  9. #9
    Moderator Mark_Spit's Avatar
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    That makes sense then.

    Admittedly, I'm more or less basing my assumptions on my past experience using elliptical carts. I used to use Stanton 680 EL's and they gave my records very noticeable cue burn after a short time using them.
    Ya gotta love corn, it's one of the only foods that says good-bye.

    Rep owed: DTR, Pete, KLH, mitchiemasha,

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Ok, so I did find a replacement needle for WhiteLabels. (For me personally, I'm not sure it's an option as I live in China and would have to have them shipped here.)

    There doesn't seem to be much info out there on them. I have no idea how they perform compared to the original whitelabel styluses.

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