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Thread: Club and Rave flyers

  1. #1
    New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Club and Rave flyers

    Hi there,

    I'm Kristof and I am a serious flyer collector from Belgium. I think I start collecting flyers around 1995, amazed by the beauty of the artwork and to see where my favorite dj's played. After the party the only thing remaining is some good memories and the flyer, a piece of history on paper too good to trow away ... Thats te reason I collect them, and I want to make one big flyer archive full of party history. Are there people on this forum who can help me out collecting? Maby trading? All flyers are welcome!

    I started scanning all my hardcopies, but it's alot of work, still 10.000 flyers waiting to put online.You can find them here:

    Hope to here from you soon! Grtz

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Keep it up... No doubt in the distant future your hardwork here will become an important archive for reference. A modern kind of History. There's no telling what it could grow into.

    I stumbled on a thing the other day and people are doing similar with old Catalogues. Board games being one of the first to be digitally archived with many sites committed to finding all kinds of related press through out the world. I also stumbled on the word EMPHEMERA!!! Club flyers definitely fit that word. A word i suspect will grow as us 80's 90's children reach into our retirement.

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