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Thread: Biff Eff - The Cannock Wobble (Hot Mouth Remix) UK SPEFICIC :(... Trades?

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Saskatoon, SK, CA

    Biff Eff - The Cannock Wobble (Hot Mouth Remix) UK SPEFICIC :(... Trades?

    Love this track! Used to have it, scored it off a blog back when it was new. Then my hard drive crashed mid back up on my old pc, I lost about half my music, including this awesome song.
    I'm trying to buy it. It is available on Amazon and HMV digital. But it's UK SPECIFIC my credit card won't work and my paypal won't work. I tried proxies, everything. I even tried to contact Simma. I just want this song

    Any UK cats out there wanna trade music or something? I have tons of rare stuff. Any way we can make this happen?

    my ICQ# is [removed - Manu]
    Last edited by Alex Murphy; 03-11-2017 at 07:12 AM.

  2. #2
    Your move ⚒️ Alex Murphy's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Trading music is piracy, and not allowed on DjForums. Please contact either amazon or HMV regarding your issue.

    Used to have it-
    I'm trying to buy it.
    If you had purchased it in the first place, then you would be able to request a download from the original website in the second place.

    Thread closed.
    Last edited by Alex Murphy; 03-11-2017 at 07:47 AM.
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