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Thread: All About EV Speakers

  1. #11
    New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Ev etx

    Quote Originally Posted by Hanginon View Post
    What powered EV speakers sound as good as the SX300, and weigh the same (or less)?
    The EV ETX sounds much better - but they are a bit heavyer.
    But soon the ELX200 will come - supposed to sound better, be more powerfull and lighter than ZLX.


    /Alexander Wiberg

    [business link removed - Manu]
    Last edited by Alex Murphy; 08-17-2017 at 10:23 AM.

  2. #12
    The next generation is here.

    Lighting, Sound & Video since 1973
    804-435-6858 [email][]

  3. #13
    wow this place has really died in the past few years, anyways, i picked up a set of Sxa 250's about a year or 2 ago and i don't hate them persay, they are my goto for smaller jobs when i don't feel like taking the van being powered 15's that fit into the trunk of my car. now i would call them gutless wonders all day long. i do have proper signal processing and never run them into clipping after all i would like to keep them for as long as i can however compared to even my yorkville Y115's and plx1202 (my old small setup) they seem to lack any sort of bottom. it might just be me but they seem odd. don't get me wrong, they work fine and my customers have nothing but great things to say but they don't seem to hold a candle to the eliminators with garbage car speakers or even the force i's i used to run with.

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