just a second
just a second
2 x Pioneer CDJ 1000 MKIII + Rodec MX 180 Original
soundcloud will not work, i asked... so i sugested to the moderator to make this one me vs kueymo. we will do another one soon.
2x Gemini cdj700 1x reloop rmx40
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Originally Posted by Tonitz
Don't think it has...
I'll skip this battle and prepare a new battle.
Go ahead, let's hear some beats here. Ready to give my vote.
2 x Pioneer CDJ 1000 MKIII + Rodec MX 180 Original
AH- you can still submit the soundcloud link accourding to the moderator, but please do it fast if you are still inn ( i tried to pm you but your inbox is full...) otherwise the battle will be me vs kueymo. good luck
2x Gemini cdj700 1x reloop rmx40
Ok no problem AH-. I will go ahead and post the battle between Kimura and Kuemyo.
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Originally Posted by Tonitz
Tnx, Jon.
goodluck, guys.
2 x Pioneer CDJ 1000 MKIII + Rodec MX 180 Original
Twitter - Soundcloud- Youtube
Originally Posted by Tonitz