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Thread: trying to get my feet wet! (Toronto Area)

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Aurora Canada

    Question trying to get my feet wet! (Toronto Area)

    Hello everyone,

    I posted on the general forums earlier and I'm trying to get self into a place to spin. I stick to house tech house deep house other sub genres and etc... only thing is I've only ever been to those top 40 & hip hop let's play every song on the radio kind of clubs. I don't know what clubs to apply on here they look for DJS to spin mainly house music.

    I've been to one club as an opener I would have opted to keep going but it was on Wednesday nights which doesn't work with my9-5 grind.

    For my experience I've done enough mobile gigs to make you cry in addition to my one club night.

    If any of you toronto people know where I can go out and see a club owner or promoter who can help out a house dj like myself please don't be shy thanks everyone

  2. #2
    Hey dude I'm looking to get gigs myself but I play mainly EDM/club music. You're from Aurora huh? Really close by, I'm in newmarket!

  3. #3
    The club scene is hard in the GTA. There is a million EDM DJ's competing for the few clubs gigs that are out there. Another problem the few clubs that are looking for DJ's also want you to be a promoter and bring your own crowd. But Good luck and I also live in the GTA (Mississauga).
    QSC GTDaudio B52 Numark NS7 American DJ Hercules 4Mx ACER Behringer Peavey Koss CerwinVega Selenium VDJ= Sweet Music
    Owner DRZ Inc.

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