Русские, все здесь!
Здесь Мы!
Привет всем русскоязычным!
Русские, все здесь!
Здесь Мы!
Привет всем русскоязычным!
Last edited by Alex Murphy; 08-26-2020 at 01:46 AM. Reason: 3 successive posts merged
Nas tolko troye shtole hahah.. okay.
vsem privet
#16 - To post a mix or links to Soundcloud, Mixcloud, YouTube, and / or any other online accounts or websites, you must have completed both of the following:
a) Accumulate 30 posts by participating in any area of the forum.
b) Be a member in good standing for a minimum period of 30 days.
Posting your mix in another forum section will be viewed as circumventing the rules, thus the post will be deleted and disciplinary action given.
Last edited by Alex Murphy; 08-26-2020 at 01:40 AM.
The tread has been cleaned up. Please keep it clean, or I close it down.
Reminder for those who think they can sneak past using a different language (hint: you won't):
For those who don't habla:#16 - To post a mix or links to Soundcloud, Mixcloud, YouTube, and / or any other online accounts or websites, you must have completed both of the following:
a) Accumulate 30 posts by participating in any area of the forum.
b) Be a member in good standing for a minimum period of 30 days.
Posting your mix in another forum section will be viewed as circumventing the rules, thus the post will be deleted and disciplinary action given.
30 сообщений / 30 дней с хорошей репутацией для аккаунтов Soundcloud, или сообщение удалено, спасибо.
SoundCloud ________________________________ MixCloud________________ __________________YouTube
Dead or alive, you're coming with me
On July 15 Spotify was launched in Russia, can anyone share good playlists?
Dear friends and fellow DJs and producers from Russia.
I am afraid that I must close this thread, as I cannot stand the sight of dead children.
I will reopen this thread, as soon as Russia is at peace with the world.
Support Ukraine, stay safe, do the right thing.
We wish you all well.
SoundCloud ________________________________ MixCloud________________ __________________YouTube
Dead or alive, you're coming with me