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Thread: FS 1,000-ish Trance Records | 1997-2004 | WI

  1. #11
    I hope I have these sold by summer! But you never know.....
    Updated the craigslist ad link to the current ad
    Last edited by DJ LEVLHED; 05-21-2014 at 02:04 PM.

  2. #12
    Take a trip to NYC and possibly bring them with you

  3. #13
    Member Delta V's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Way Out West (USA)
    When I was back in WI for winter break I honestly reallly considered this but I've have to go through them I probably have quite a few in that stack. I'll be back again in late May with my truck so if there're still there....

  4. #14
    I'm only doing all-or-nothing on this pile, no cherry picking. Sorry.

  5. #15
    Still for sale. Still not shipping.

  6. #16
    I'm afraid it's not looking like I'll have the excess funds anytime soon, if things change, I'll contact you. Sorry

  7. #17
    I still haven't found a home for these! Granted, I haven't been trying *that* hard....

  8. #18
    Updated listing to include a sample list of Record Labels represented and updated CL links.

  9. #19
    It is summer! At least that is what the calendar wouldn't know it by stepping outside in WI lately.
    Willing to deal for local pick up. You won't freeze, make the trip.

  10. #20

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