So I have a Chauvet Scorpion GBC laser. The device uses a 30mW green diode and 40mW blue diode, with their "fat beam" technology to produce larger more visible beams.

The laser is rated 3R, which among other things states "limited beam viewing".

Now, I have the laser mounted at about 10 feet off the floor, but the built in programs still cause the laser to scan down to the floor. And in many of Chauvets own videos, they even show the laser at trade shows shining into the crowd.

The manual for the laser says not to do this, but it seems like it's considered "safe". It scans very fast obviously, is it really a safety concern or is the product manual statements just a legal disclaimer for Chauvet?

Now for a laser like the XLaser 3R classification lasers, I can see not crowd scanning and requiring a variance... those things are BRIGHT. I'd love to have one but wouldn't really want to be liable for something like that.