I built some TLAH 'look-alikes' just after DJF went down. I gigged 'em in December, and they sounded better than the venue's installed sound.
8x 5" Sony poly-propylene cone 4-ohm woofer, 10WRMS/20W Max, 85.3db/1W@1M,
8x KSN-1016 piezo tweeter.
12" wide, 12" deep, 60" tall
5/8" CDX outdoor grade plywood with PL-Prem. Polyurethane glued and 1.5" ring-shank nailed joints
Weight: 35Lbs
Ground stack splayable, and Flyable.
With these for subs:
And these for amplification:
The idea came from these 1983 vintage LAs my dad built...
starting my build tomorrow for the otop 12s, but i still havent decided on a sub yet. Are the tuba 30s really better for djing, or should i go for the t48?
If memory serves me properly, it was said on the old DJF that the following applied to T30 vs T48...
The Titan 48 was 'voiced' more for live band music, than DJing, and sacrifices lower-end for more power; more 'Kick' in the 70-100Hz region. The Tuba-30 goes deeper and really shines in groups of 4 or more stacked and vee'd together.
Friday I put on my first coat of duratex onto my auto tuba. Then I crashed really hard snowboarding and my shoulder is in incredible amounts of pain so I cant move it to put paint on.. Ill post pictures soon