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Thread: Any thoughts of the Pioneer DJM-500?

  1. #11
    Your move ⚒️ Alex Murphy's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    LOL ok, thread is almost 10 years old by the way, thanks for chiming in
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  2. #12
    New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    I've got a DJM 500 and it's fine though showing it's age in today's gadgetry world. don't expect anything fancy from the effects and the beat counter often has a mind of it's own... oh, and it doesn't have the ability to let you listen to different channels in different ears (whatever that's called... brain failing to work but thankfully I'm writing this at work so no harm done...)

    Depends on what you want to do with it of course.

  3. #13
    500 sounds better than a 900NXS, LOL that's funny stuff.

    Even in 2012 the DJM500 was old and played out. They were never considered great sounding mixers, if you wanted a great sounding mixer back then you got an Allen & Heath, or a Rane, Ecler, Vestax.. not a Pioneer 500 or 600. I had an Ecler, it was awesome. But seriously Numark and Stanton were both better sounding than the 500.

    I think the DJM-250 was out in 2012 and that was a good little mixer, if you wanted Pioneer and didn't have a lot of money that was a bargain.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Dayton, Ohio, USA
    "but i like how the bass is on the 12db mixer's"

    Do you even dB?

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