View Full Version : Serato itch beatgridding help

05-18-2012, 12:17 AM
Ok, the concept of beatgridding has got to be the most ridiculous and contradicting thing Iv'e ever attempted. I set the beat markers perfectly for a few bars, scroll along ahead, and now some new ones are off, so i fix them, and what does that do? It contradicts the purpose of being able to beat grid by messing up the grids i had fixed behind them. i own the Xone DX and have been at this for hours and its on my last nerve, the idea of it makes NO sense... can anyone help me ? Is there a way I can adjust a grid INDIviduaLLY without moving the whole thing

05-20-2012, 09:40 AM
There is a tutorial over on the Serato sight that shows you how to beat grid. Basically if you want to lock the beatgrid, you have to turn those white bar markers red by hitting the X key on your keyboard. That will lock all the previous beatgrid markers. Another easier way to do it is to use Ableton Live. Use the "Warp from here" feature and it does a pretty good job of setting the beatgrid for you. You then save the song as a wave file, re-import the wave file back into Itch. Analyze it, load it up and set the first beat marker and the rest of the beatgrid is all lined up. If you are trying to beat grid live drummer tracks, you are in for a nightmare.